Wednesday 9 March 2011

The EQ and IQ for Business Creation- 6 Key Essentials

I find  this article very intune with my thinking and I like to share this with you....
Everybody has the potential to start a business, regardless of size. A small shopping mall cart stall is a business, and so is Microsoft. Hence, possessing the skills to create and grow your business irrespective of size, is the first step towards business creation.
Let us define the terms EQ & IQ of Business Creation in slightly greater detail. EQ of Business Creation refers to the innate abilities and discernment to "sniff" out the trends as well as the entrepreneurial inclinations and motivations to want to create a business. IQ of Business Creation refers to the logical, intellectual ability to rationalize and select the best potential business opportunities and setting up business models. Often times, EQ & IQ work in tandem to achieve successful business creation and hence, we should avoid singling them out separately.
One particular issue stands prominently in the way of the EQ & IQ of Business Creation. It is the "lack of awareness" issue. Most people seem oblivious to their surroundings and the things happening around them. The operative word here is being "oblivious". We need to step out of our comfort zone, awaken that curious mind, that ever-exploring and entrepreneurial attitude towards our world. Below are tried-and-tested approaches:

Be Aware of Micro & Mega Trends - It is important that one is aware of the business creation opportunities around us. It takes only a little effort to be fully in-tuned with the micro and macro world economic trends, political and governmental policy changes as well as potential growth areas. Watch the news and wire up locally and globally.

Read Extensively - Reading widely with a focus, largely means that you may choose to read anything you lay your hands on, like men or women's magazines, financial & business planning, auto, sports, home décor etc.. but with a strong focus on financial, wealth and business planning materials which could help to grow on you subconsciously.

Travel & Network Widely - Network with people of all walks of life and be open to their point of views. Travel widely and learn to discover new, creative or innovative products from places and countries we travel to. Many new and successful small businesses start from an imported product or service idea overseas. Check out the "tamagouchi" success story and you will know what I mean.

Keep an open-mind and do not discriminate against any race, as you never know who could light up your business ideas. There is a Chinese saying "Regardless whether it is a white cat or a black cat, as long as it catches the rat, it is a good cat!"

Be Bossed & Feel Good about it - Be bossed and be glad about it. Get a permanent, good-paying, salaried job. It really does not matter if the job is boring or the tasks are too simple. You make the job and you make the tasks. Be innovative on the job, think outside the box and take the tasks to a different level if you have to.

Be Your Own Boss - And in your spare time outside of salaried work, learn to explore potential business opportunities. Transform your hobby into a business, as your interest will spur you on with so much more conviction to make it a success. You would genuinely want to share the joys and satisfaction of your hobby with others. If you are a coca-cola bottle collector, set up a website about your collection, an auction site and share the joy... you might even start the largest collectible auction site ever! Or import a foreign product/service idea which you chance upon during your traveling which you think are potential money makers.
Start looking at your world from a whole new perspective, dare to step out of your comfort zones and embark upon a more rewarding business-seeking adventure.
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